Monday, January 25, 2010

Pavlov, Salivation On!

Last night I made the dough for these cookies.  Our food processor wasn't really working (much like everything else in the house--go figure) but lucky for me I am the proud possessor of a mortar and pestle.  All I can say is, a dough that is supposed to take 20 minutes to make took me two hours, and I got a nice arm workout out of it, chopping and pounding almonds, and combining them with sugar, butter, flour, and egg yolks.  

The cookies I made are called Ischlers, and according to my taste tester (my mom--I haven't tried them yet.  I can't handle any more sweetness today after licking chocolate ganache off a spoon) they are delicious.   Ischlers are sort of almond-shortbready, and they're filled with jam (usually apricot, but I thought that was weird so I used raspberry) and topped with (what else but)...chocolate ganache!  Making the ganache was much easier than I thought it would be.  I ate a lot of chocolate ganache cake when I was younger, and thought there was something mysterious about it, but it turns out that it's only chocolate and cream.  I must say, however, that finding bittersweet chocolate that I could use for this recipe was difficult.  I walked to Trader Joe's yesterday only to find that they sold bittersweet chocolate in 3-ounce bars for three dollars each.  I needed half a pound (or so I thought--I now have a small pirex-full of chocolate ganache sitting in my fridge.)  They didn't have it at Sprout's either, but they did have it at Ralph's.  I got it in time to come home and watch Emma on PBS.  Woohoo!  I always squirmed when my mom wanted to watch those old English dramas (except the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice--that's six hours of amazing), but they're starting to grow on me.  And what with my house smelling like almonds, sugar, butter and chocolate, and my finding the first season of Pushing Daisies at the library (along with a Juliet Binoche movie--that woman is so beautiful) I am pretty darn contented.  I've also made a pact to go to the beach every day, and so far I've been keeping it.  Seeing the ocean and smelling the salt air will not stop amazing me.  I appreciate it so much more now.  Anyway, I've been rambling.  I took the liberty of attempting to take oddly-lit photos, so feast your eyes on the scrumptiousness (for some reason they're not as bright on Blogger as they are on my computer, but, oh well).

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